Midwifery clinic locations Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Geographic information on the locations of midwifery clinics. In 1994, midwifery became part of the Ontario healthcare system and is provided free of charge to residents of the... Read more -
Ontario Integrated Hydrology (OIH) data Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Ontario Integrated Hydrology (OIH) data is used to generate watersheds and support provincial-scale hydrology applications including: * watershed generation * hydrologic... Read more -
Pharmacy locations Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Geographic information on pharmacies in Ontario. -
Wolf and coyote hunting activity and harvests Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: * wildlife management unit (WMU) * calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies... Read more -
Flood flow statistics Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Statistics include the flood magnitude with the following recurrence intervals: * 1:2 years * 1:2.33 years * 1: 5 years * 1:10 years * 1:20 years * 1:25 years * 1:50 years *... Read more -
Aggregate Inspector Jurisdiction Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This spatial dataset represents the boundaries of the areas of responsibility for aggregate inspectors working on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. In... Read more -
White-tailed deer hunting activity and harvest Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This data breaks down estimated hunters as well as antlered, antlerless and total harvest numbers by: * wildlife management unit (WMU) * calendar year Harvest and active hunter... Read more -
COVID-19 testing locations Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Get a list of COVID-19 assessment centres. Before you go, you should check if: * The centre is open * They have drive-through or walk-in testing * They will test small children... Read more -
Forest Miscellaneous Damage Event Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Miscellaneous events are often the result of the cumulative impact of a combination of abiotic, insect and disease agents or events. For example, Aspen decline where repeated... Read more -
Forest resource mills Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This dataset provides a listing and relevant details for forest resource processing facilities (mills) that are licensed and operating or require a licence to operate in... Read more -
Snow Survey measurement locations Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: * Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) * Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW),... Read more -
First Nation Reserve Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Identifies First Nation Reserve boundaries defined by the Legal Surveys Division of Natural Resources Canada. -
Municipal Treated Wastewater Effluent Canada Open Gov jeu de données
The flows and effluent quality data is for the parameters of: * Biological Oxygen Demand BOD5/CBOD5 * Total Suspended Solids (TSS), also described as Residual Particulate Solids... Read more -
Ontario Hydro Network - Shoreline Canada Open Gov jeu de données
The OHN is a provincial medium scale originating from data with regional scales of 1: 10,000 in Southern Ontario, 1: 20,000 in Northern Ontario and 1: 50,000 in the Far North.... Read more -
Cervid ecological zones Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Broad management guidance is applied across each Cervid Ecological Zone (CEZ) to help set local population and habitat objectives. CEZs reflect the overarching cervid management... Read more -
Surficial Geology of the Hay Lake Area (NTS 84L/NE) (GIS data, line features) Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 84L northeast ( line features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in... Read more -
Feral Horse Minimum Count Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This dataset provides the point locations of horse bands as they were observed during annual aerial surveys. Equine Management Zones are surveyed using a helicopter and horses... Read more -
Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Isopach (GIS data, line features) Canada Open Gov jeu de données
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary... Read more -
Surficial Geology of the Fort Chipewyan Area, Alberta, NTS 74L (GIS data,... Canada Open Gov jeu de données
This dataset is a GIS version of the surficial geology drumlin features for the Fort Chipewyan area, Alberta (NTS74L), as mapped at 1:250,000 scale by L.A Bayrock (Alberta... Read more -
Linear hydrography Canada Open Gov jeu de données
Linear hydrographic network of the City of Rouyn-Noranda. Drainage ditches are not included.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool... Read more
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