Influence of altered freshwater discharge on the seasonality of nutrient... publication
Themes: Marine
In subarctic marine environments, nutrient stocks are replenished through physical and biogeochemical processes in winter, largely setting an upper limit on new primary... Read more -
GENICE II Remote Sensing Program project
Themes: Cryosphere
The GENICE II remote sensing team is led by Dr. Dustin Isleifson and is involved with Activity 1 under the GENICE II framework. Metadata and/or data collected by the remote... Read more -
The Energetics of Extensive Melt Water Flooding of Level Arctic Sea Ice jeu de données
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
During the spring-to-summer transition, the snow cover on Arctic sea ice melts and meltwater pools on the surface to form melt ponds; however, the timing and extent of the... Read more -
Bottom ice and phytoplankton taxonomy - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
These datasets includes species composition of: bottom-ice communities phytoplankton communities collected in Hudson Bay during the BaySys cruise in June/ July 2018. Read more -
Light and biology (various measurements) - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
The dataset includes calculations of various parameters that are based on measurements during the BaySys cruise in Hudson Bay in June/ July 2018. -
Sea ice cover progression in Hudson Bay 2008-2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
The dataset lists the first day of surface air temperatures above zero degC, the sea ice break-up date (ice concentration falling below 15%), the sea ice freeze-up date (ice... Read more -
Regional ice optics - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
This dataset includes calculated regional averages of surface and optical properties of mobile sea ice floes in the area of the stations sampled during the BaySys cruise in... Read more -
Photosynthesis-irradiance in ice and water - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
These datasets describe photosynthesis-irradiance relationships that were used for: Primary production of bottom-ice communities and Melosira arctica Estimation of primary... Read more -
Particulate organic carbon in ice and water - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
These datasets include measurements of particulate organic and total carbon of: Bottom-ice algal communities and Melosira arctica Phytoplankton and melt pond communities. Data... Read more -
Optical measurements of sea ice - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
The dataset includes optical measurements and sea ice surface measurements performed on mobile ice floes during the BaySys cruise in Hudson Bay in June/ July 2018. Read more -
Open Water Days in Hudson Bay jeu de données
Themes: Marine, Remote Sensing
The dataset lists the length of the open water period (in days, ice concentration below 15%), the day of ice break-up and the day of freeze-up for the sampling stations of the... Read more -
Canadian Ice Service Ice concentrations - Hudson Bay transects 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
These datasets include ice concentrations at different stages of development along the following transects: The Narrows Nelson River estuary into central Hudson Bay Western into... Read more -
Chlorophyll-a concentration in ice and water - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
These datasets include measurements of chlorophyll-a concentration of: Bottom-ice communities and Melosira arctica Phytoplankton and melt pond communities Data was collected in... Read more -
Algal pigments in ice and water - Hudson Bay 2018 jeu de données
Themes: Marine
The dataset includes measurements of pigment concentrations of: bottom-ice communities phytoplankton and melt pond communities Data was collected in Hudson Bay during the BaySys... Read more -
Lisa Matthes - PhD Project project
Themes: Marine
This project includes all datasets that were collected within the PhD project by Lisa Matthes. Datasets were collected as part of two large system studies: a) Green Edge project... Read more
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