Uploading Data

The CanWIN CKAN platform will accept data in any format. However, in order for data users to access tabular data via the CKAN DataStore API, or be able to create visualizations, the data should be in a CSV format that follows CanWIN best practices for sharing

Adding Datasets and Resources

1. Data publishers must be associated with a Facility and have been granted publication privileges.

2. Once you are logged in, go to the Data Catalogue. From the main menu, go to DataData Catalogue

3. On the Data Catalogue page, click on the +Add button and choose Dataset as the Type from the dropdown menu.

4. On the first page, you will be asked to complete the metadata fields. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required. 


5. If you have data files to add, click the Next: Add Data button at the bottom of the page. If you are sharing metadata only, click on the Skip Add Data button.

6. If you are adding files, and you have clicked Next: Add Data, you will be taken to the resource (data files) upload page Click Upload or Link and select the file you wish to add, or add the URL of the data location.

7. Add a name and brief description about the data file.

8. Add the file format, e.g., CSV, XLSX, HTML, etc., and add the appropriate Resource Category.

9. You can add additional files to the dataset by clicking the Save and add another button. If you are finished, click Finish.


Adding a View

1. From a dataset page, click Manage.

2. If the dataset has been loaded into the DataStore, or is in a format CKAN can provide a visualization for, the option for Views will be at the top of the page (see image below).

Manage a resource


3. Click on the Views tab.

4. Click the + New View button.  In the example below, the file is a properly formatted .CSV file. Users can therefore create a Basic Grid or Data Explorer view for this tabular data. If your resource file is an image, then you could choose the Image view, or if it is a website URL, the Website view, and so on.

Adding a view


5. You will then need to add a title and optional description for the new view.

Add title and description for view


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