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On June 19, 2023 at 11:32:33 AM CDT, Gravatar Yanique Campbell:
  • Changed value of field creatorName to [{'author': 'Matthes, Lisa. C', 'creatorAffiliation': 'Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba', 'creatorEmail': '', 'creatorNameIdentifier': '0000-0002-7362-0417', 'nameIdentifierScheme': 'ORCID', 'nameType': 'Personal', 'schemeURI': ''}, {'author': 'Mundy, C.J.', 'creatorAffiliation': 'Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba', 'creatorEmail': '', 'creatorNameIdentifier': '', 'nameType': 'Personal'}, {'author': 'Ehns, Jens', 'creatorAffiliation': 'Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba', 'creatorEmail': '', 'creatorNameIdentifier': '', 'nameType': 'Personal'}] in Sea ice cover progression in Hudson Bay 2008-2018

  • Changed value of field contributors to [{'affiliation': '', 'contributorName': 'Mundy, C.J.', 'contributorType': 'Supervisor', 'email': '', 'nameIdentifier': ''}, {'affiliation': '', 'contributorName': 'Ehns, Jens', 'contributorType': 'Supervisor', 'email': '', 'nameIdentifier': ''}] in Sea ice cover progression in Hudson Bay 2008-2018