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On February 14, 2022 at 9:36:17 AM CST, claire Claire Herbert:
  • Changed value of field publications to [{'RelatedIdentifier': '10.1029/2011JC007049', 'ResourceTypeGeneral': 'JournalArticle', 'name': 'Lukovich, J. V., Babb, D. G., and Barber, D. G. (2011), On the scaling laws derived from ice beacon trajectories in the southern Beaufort Sea during the International Polar Year - Circumpolar Flaw Lead study, 2007–2008, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C00G07, doi:10.1029/2011JC007049.', 'relatedIdentifierType': 'DOI', 'relationType': 'References', 'resourceType': 'Online Resource'}, {'RelatedIdentifier': '10.1016/j.dsr.2014.05.013', 'ResourceTypeGeneral': '', 'name': 'On coherent ice drift features in the southern Beaufort Sea', 'relatedIdentifierType': 'DOI', 'relationType': '', 'resourceType': 'Online Resource'}, {'RelatedIdentifier': '10.3189/2015AoG69A606', 'ResourceTypeGeneral': '', 'name': 'On sea ice dynamical regimes in the Arctic Ocean', 'relatedIdentifierType': 'DOI', 'relationType': '', 'resourceType': 'Online Resource'}, {'RelatedIdentifier': '10.1029/2011JC007049', 'ResourceTypeGeneral': '', 'name': 'On the scaling laws derived from ice beacon trajectories in the southern Beaufort Sea during the International Polar Year - Circumpolar Flaw Lead study, 2007–2008', 'relatedIdentifierType': 'DOI', 'relationType': 'Describes', 'resourceType': 'Online Resource'}] in IPY-CFL Ice Beacon Data