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On April 4, 2022 at 12:16:32 PM CDT, claire Claire Herbert:
  • Updated description of Open water season monitoring with in-lake moorings from

    Since 2012, three in-lake moorings have been placed during the open water season in Lakes Winnipegosis, Waterhen and Manitoba in order to collect high frequency data. An ecotriplet collects turbidity, chlorophyll, fluorescence and phycocyanin data, while an Alec CT collects temperature and conductivity data at 10 minute intervals. The sites were sampled once per month for more detailed water chemistry, using a surface grab method and a plastic Nalgene bottle. Visual information on wind speed, direction, wave height and cloud cover was also recorded.
    Since 2012, three in-lake moorings have been placed during the open water season in Lakes Winnipegosis, Waterhen and Manitoba in order to collect high frequency data. An ecotriplet collects turbidity, chlorophyll, fluorescence and phycocyanin data, while an Alec CT collects temperature and conductivity data at 10 minute intervals. In 2019 an oxygen sensor was added. The sites were sampled once per month for more detailed water chemistry, using a surface grab method and a plastic Nalgene bottle. Visual information on wind speed, direction, wave height and cloud cover was also recorded.

  • Changed value of field related_deployments to ["3a21606a-fe75-4298-81ad-43fcc3266f79", "6d1948d4-c859-4764-919b-4e3d870bb790", "c7a782e0-61f8-4524-b942-0f79bd3d6a83", "e311c811-e54b-44db-a23f-ef79daa9ad18"] in Open water season monitoring with in-lake moorings