Data Catalogue
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A research output can be a project, publication, dataset, instrument, platform, campaign or deployment .
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A Facility is a site or organziation from which multiple research activties are conducted. They may include companies, governmental or other organizations, or infrastructure such as a building, vessel, or lab (eg. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), R/V William Kennedy, Churchill Marine Observatory).
View all projects.
A program is a major project which occurs over 1 or more years and may or may not be made up of multiple smaller projects that inform the larger project goal.
View all platforms.
A platform is a container or structure from which an instrument or collection of instruments are deployed.
Search all instruments.
An instrument is a device for recording measurements, alone or paired with other devices, on a specific subject.
Search all research outputs by theme.
A theme is a grouping of ideas which share a related topic.