Delta Marsh Field Station Archive Project
Themes: Freshwater
The Delta Marsh Field Station (DFMS) was a research and teaching facility located on the south shore of Lake Manitoba as part of the Faculty of Science at the University of... Read more -
Churchill Beluga Boat Drone Imagery Dataset
Themes: Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Aerial imagery surveys are commonly used in marine mammal research to determine population size, habitat distribution and habitat use. Analysis of aerial photos involves hours... Read more -
Ice Covered Ecosystems - CAMbridge bay Process Studies (ICE-CAMPS)... Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
Ice Covered Ecosystems - CAMbridge bay Process Studies (ICE-CAMPS) downwelling and upwelling dataset. -
Detection and tracking of belugas, kayaks and motorized boats in drone video... Publication
Themes: Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Aerial imagery surveys are commonly used in marine mammal research to determine population size, distribution and habitat use. Analysis of aerial photos involves hours of... Read more -
Delta Marsh Occasional Publications (OP) Publication
Themes: Freshwater
The OP series of publications contained detailed information about various aspects of the Delta Marsh ecosystem. They were published as information warranted. -
Delta Marsh List of Publications and Theses Publication
Themes: Freshwater
A list of citations for all scientific journal articles and student theses written using Delta Marsh Field Station facilities through the years. -
Delta Marsh Annual Reports Publication
Themes: Freshwater
These reports summarized research conducted using Delta Marsh Field Station facilities, from 1969 to 1998. The text-searchable contents of the reports are available here. Read more -
Ice Covered Ecosystems - CAMbridge Bay Process Studies Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
Ice Covered Ecosystems - CAMbridge bay Process Studies (ICE-CAMPS) Sea ice algae are an important contributor of primary production in the Arctic ecosystem. Within the bottom-... Read more -
Churchill Drone Deployment Deployment Details
This research output has no description
DJI Zenmuse Z30 Instrument Details
Optical photo and video camera to mount to a DJI compatible drone, has a 30x optical zoom. -
Matrice 200 Series V2/M210 RTK Platform
DJI Matrice 210 quadcopter drone/RPAS, real-time kinematic. A tethered drone with a DJI Zenmuse Z30 optical video camera. -
FTIR Autecological Analysis of Bottom-Ice Diatom Taxa Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
A recent study demonstrated that a tidal strait, where a shoaled and constricted waterway increases tidally driven sub-ice currents and turbulence, represent ice algal... Read more