project image

GENICE II is a multidisciplinary research project based out of the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba and made possible with the help of our many collaborators and partners. It is a continuation of the original GENICE project.

Through collaboration between our different research activities, we aim to use large-scale genomics to address the most credible oil spill threats in the Arctic by using actual shipping incidents as operational scenarios, providing a framework for addressing these risks in a way that communities, governmental agencies, and shipping and mining industries can learn from and plan for.

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Field Value
Title GENICE II Program
Research Program Name GENICE II
Keyword Vocabulary Polar Data Catalogue
Keyword Vocabulary URL
Theme Cryosphere
Status In Progress
Project DOI
Metadata Creation Date 2024
Publisher CanWIN
Related Facilities
Field Value
Project extent
Project Area Canada (various)
Spatial regions Canada
Spatial extent West Bound Longitude
Spatial extent East Bound Longitude
Spatial extent South Bound Latitude
Spatial extent North Bound Latitude
Temporal extent
Project Start Date 2021-10-01
Project End Date
Field Value
Project Contributors
Principal Investigators
Principal Investigators 1
Principal Investigator Name
Stern, Gary
Type of Name
Principal Investigator Email
Principal Investigator Affiliation
Agriculture and Agri Food Canada
Principal Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 1
Co-Investigator Name
Collins, Eric
Co-Investigator Role
Project Leader
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Project Data Curator Fischer, Agoston
Project Data Curator email
Project Data Curator Affiliation Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Funder Information
Awards 1
Award Title
Award URL
Funder Name
Funder Identifier
Funder Identifier Type
Funder identifier URL
Grant Number
Field Value
License Name Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Licence Schema Name SPDX
Licence URL
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