Amundsen Science


The CCGS Amundsen is the only Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker dedicated to science and the flagship of research vessels in Canada. The Amundsen brought new life to Canadian Arctic science by giving Canadian researchers and their international collaborators unprecedented access to the Arctic Ocean. The ship’s transformations and scientific equipment make it a versatile platform for oceanographers, climatologists, marine geologists, marine ecologists, and epidemiologists studying health in northern communities.

the CCGS Amundsen‘s expeditions, it’s:

  • More than 2,500 days at sea;
  • More than 250 000 nautical miles, or about 12 times the Earth’s circumference
  • More than 1,800 expedition participants
  • From all Canadian provinces and territories and more than 20 different countries
  • More than 45 scientific programs
  • More than 1400 refereed scientific publications
  • More than 2500 oral presentations and scientific posters
  • More than 400 dataset


Field Value
Name Amundsen Science
Keywords Arctic, Climate change
Keyword Vocabulary Polar Data Catalogue
Keyword Vocabulary URL
Facility Code 02s3xv195
Identifier Name ROR
Identifier URL
Metadata Creation Date 2023-02-14
Publisher CanWIN
Field Value
Main Contact Amundsen Science
Type of Name Organizational
Field Value
Start Date 2015-01-01
Field Value
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