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Field Value
Standardized Instrument Name
Scheme URI
Term URI
Instrument DOI
Instrument Unique ID 20697864
ID Type Serial Number
Model No. U20-001-04
Instrument Type Baseline

Monitor water levels and temperatures in wells, streams, lakes and wetlands (freshwater) with this 13-foot HOBO Water Level Data Logger. With its narrow range this logger provides the best accuracy in shallow waters.

Manufacturer Onset HOBO
Manufacturer type Organizational
Field Value
Sensor Details
Sensor Details 1
Instrument Sensor Name
HOBO Water Level Logger Sensor
Instrument Sensor Serial No.
Sensor Range
0 to 4 m (0 - 13 ft)
Sensor Sensitivity
Pressure Range: 0-145 kPa (0 - 21 psi); Calibrated range: 69 - 145 kPa (10 - 21 psi), 0 - 40 C
Sensor Units
Ft; kPa
Last Calibration Date