St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_17060 Dataset
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
This dataset consists of data and supplemental materials related to the weather station located in St. Laurent, MB on the eastern shore of Lake Manitoba. The data file contains... Read more -
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program meteorological data recorded aboard the M/V NAMAO. January 1st, 2010 to present. Hourly, processed data includes coordinates,... Read more -
LWRC Field Logs Dataset
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Station and meteorological data recorded during the spring, summer, and fall surveys aboard the M/V NAMAO. Includes date, station ID, coordinates, time on/off station, depth,... Read more -
AVOS M/V NAMAO Data Processing Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
The following documents are provided to assist data users in understanding how AVOS 10-minute rate data was processed and/or created by CanWIN data curators. Details may include... Read more -
Weather Keeper Logbook - ENG, FR CA, Michif Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
This publication provides you with a physical logbook for the weather keeper (PDF version) and links to the online forms, which are all available in three languages. Read more -
Carbon Sampling Data Dataset
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The dataset is a compilation of data measured and calculated by Team 3 and Team 4 from aboard the CCGS Amundsen for the BaySys project. The data were collected over several... Read more -
Le programme de surveillance des conditions météorologiques Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Des programmes pilotes de surveillance des conditions météorologiques et de la qualité de l’eau ont été mis sur pied en collaboration avec la MMF et conçus pour accroître la... Read more -
L’Prâgramme dju Gardjiein d’la Mitiô Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Li prâgramme pilotte di survèyans d’ô, di gardjiein d’la mitio pi d’la kaliti d’l’ô, la iti div’loppi avek la MMF pour bâchirre la kapasiti Métisse dan li aktiviti d’jeschyon... Read more -
CanWIN Data Statement Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
This document describes the CANWIN Data Statement (DS) and Terms of Use (TOU) for accessing, uploading and searching CANWIN data, metadata, information and products. It aims to... Read more