Left Churchill port on 1 August, sailed to James Bay. The ship returned to Churchill on 17 August. The scientific cruise included 9 full stations, distributed conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) casts and basic (nutrient sampling) stations, and deployment of 6 subsurface taut oceanographic moorings over the course of a 17-day cruise. A typical full station included: 1) deployment of one of the ship’s two zodiacs to undertake near shore kelp and estuary sampling, 2) 1-2 rosette (water sampler) casts and an extra CTD cast for physical oceanography, biogeochemistry and phytoplankton sampling, 3) vertical and oblique net tows for zooplankton sampling, 5) bottom grab, box core, and gravity core collections for sediment sampling, and 6) a benthic trawl while leaving the station for benthic biota sampling. While transiting between stations, samples were collected via a constantly flowing intake line from the ship bottom for physical oceanography, biogeochemistry and phytoplankton sampling. University of Manitoba participants were responsible for the physical oceanography, biogeochemistry, and primary producer sampling, while participants from DFO representatives were responsible for zooplankton and fish sampling.

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Field Value
Campaign Start Date 2021-08-01
Campaign End Date 2021-08-17
Location Hudson Bay, James Bay
Research Area Hudson Bay
Field Value
Chief Scientist Mundy, CJ
Email cj.mundy@umanitoba.ca
Affiliation Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba