Data Stories

Stories about data and projects published by CanWIN.


Weather Keeper Program

Story of the Weather Keeper Program, a collaborative project between  the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) and the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba, to support the collection of atmospheric data in the Manitoba Great Lakes region.

L'Prâgramme dju Gardjiein d'la Mitiô

Story of the Weather Keeper Program in Michif.

Programme de surveillance des conditions météorologiques

Story of the Weather Keeper Program in French.



Churchill Beluga Whale Graphic Novel

We hope that our comic-book video illustrates the research process, with its ups and downs, and also shows how people with different backgrounds work together on a project. If it motivates people to find out more about our work (and read the dry, academic version of it), that's all we can ask for!

Lake Winnipeg Foundation SHIM StoryMap

The Shoreline Habitat Inventory Monitoring (SHIM) storymap highlights the findings from the LWF's project to create a baseline inventory of the south shoreline of Lake Winnipeg. Michif.

James Bay and Southern Hudson Bay Research Overview - Summer 2023

In August 2023, University of Manitoba scientists and students collaborated and participated in multiple research initiatives in the James Bay region. This StoryMap provides details about the work that was done during that time. Some work from our partners will also be highlighted.




James Bay Expedition 2022

This StoryMap has been created by the University of Manitoba, Centre for Earth Observation Science team with input from other participants, colleagues, and collaborators, as a way to communicate a more visual, interactive, and accessible activity report of the 2022 James Bay Expedition aboard the R/V William Kennedy.