Jeux de données
Lake Winnipeg Chemistry 2002-2004 jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Lake Winnipeg chemistry data from 2002 to 2004. -
LWRC 2021 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2021 during the fall cruise aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four-channel profiling sonde (“Seabird... Read more -
LWRC 2019 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2019 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2018 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2018 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2016 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2016 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2015 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2015 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2014 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2014 during the summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel profiling sonde... Read more -
LWRC 2013 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2013 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2011 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2011 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2010 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2010 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2009 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2009 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
LWRC 2008 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Data collected in 2008 during the spring, summer and fall cruises aboard the M/V NAMAO. Data collected using a shipboard Seabird water quality profiler and four channel... Read more -
The Energetics of Extensive Melt Water Flooding of Level Arctic Sea Ice jeu de données
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
During the spring-to-summer transition, the snow cover on Arctic sea ice melts and meltwater pools on the surface to form melt ponds; however, the timing and extent of the... Read more -
Land to Ocean Aquatic Continuum of Carbon Research Program project
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
The Land to Ocean Aquatic Continuum of Carbon research project (LOAC) program addresses two key challenges around carbon in freshwater-marine systems. More than half of all... Read more -
St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_17060 jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
This dataset consists of data and supplemental materials related to the weather station located in St. Laurent, MB on the eastern shore of Lake Manitoba. The data file contains... Read more -
DECOMMISSIONED St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_13390 deployment_details
DECOMMISSIONED This site has been decommissioned due to several structural issues and sensor failures throughout deployment. Data from this station has been archived on St... Read more -
Southern Hudson Bay - James Bay Expedition project
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
The James Bay Expedition was an exciting ocean expedition aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) William Kennedy, taken place August 2021 and 2022. The goal of the expedition was to... Read more -
English Summary of the Coastal Habitat Comprehensive Research Project publication
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
This is a summary document presented at the Shikaapaashkwh (Eelgrass) Symposium, September 2022. The Eeyou Coastal Habitat Comprehensive Research Project overseen by Niskamoon... Read more -
Weather Keeper Data Processing publication
Themes: Atmosphere
The following documents are provided to assist data users in understanding how data was processed and/or created. Details may include descriptions of the variables used and any... Read more -
AVOS M/V NAMAO jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program meteorological data recorded aboard the M/V NAMAO. January 1st, 2010 to present. Hourly, processed data includes coordinates,... Read more -
Rosette CTD jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
Hydrographic profiles using conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sondes were obtained across straits and along channels to best cover water column structure around the... Read more -
Autonomous CTD jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
Hydrographic profiles using conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sondes were obtained across straits and along channels to best cover water column structure around the... Read more -
LWRC Field Logs jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Station and meteorological data recorded during the spring, summer, and fall surveys aboard the M/V NAMAO. Includes date, station ID, coordinates, time on/off station, depth,... Read more -
Satellite Image Library jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
This dataset provides you with a link to the Satellite Image Library on the Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium website. The Image Library contains satellite images from 2003... Read more -
Dawson Bay Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_54190 deployment_details
This research output has no description
Fish Community and Fish Habitat Inventory of Streams and Constructed Drains... project
Themes: Freshwater
Recognizing the importance of well-drained agricultural land and the need to maintain drainage capacity while still protecting valuable fish habitat, the governments of Manitoba... Read more -
Guide technique de station météorologique publication
Themes: Atmosphere
La station mĂ©tĂ©orologique est bĂ¢tie sur une base de tripode de trois mètres. Les capteurs que vous devez installer comprennent un dĂ©tecteur de vent, un pluviomètre, un capteur... Read more -
L’Gid Teknik pour la StĂ¢ssion MitiorĂ¢logik publication
Themes: Atmosphere
La stĂ¢ssion mitiorĂ¢logik li bĂ¢tchi su la bĂ¢ze d’ein potĂ´ d’twa mĂªt avek ein trĂ©pyĂ©. Sa veu ksa mette di ditekteurre pour la survèyans dju van, di gĂ©j pour mizuri la plwi, ein... Read more -
St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_17060 platform
A land based weather recording tower equipped with instruments and devices for observing atmospheric conditions. These provide data and information for weather forecasts and to... Read more -
St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_17060 deployment_details
This site replaces the decommissioned due to several structural issues and sensor failures throughout deployment. For data prior to the deployment of this station, please review... Read more -
AVOS M/V NAMAO Data Processing publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
The following documents are provided to assist data users in understanding how AVOS 10-minute rate data was processed and/or created by CanWIN data curators. Details may include... Read more -
Semi & Hemi Data jeu de données
Themes: Cryosphere
The data collected within the Beaufort Sea used a helicopter-borne electromagnetic system called the Ice Pic. This system measures sea ice thickness without the ice observer... Read more -
Ice Mass Balance Buoy Data jeu de données
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
The sea ice mass balance systems measure physical properties of an ice flow as well as meteorological variables and geographic position. The systems consist of temperature... Read more -
Carbon dioxide fixation by algal community across Lake Winnipeg jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
This study measures net ecosystem production, gross primary production, and gross respiration across Lake Winnipeg using an automated, custom-built incubator onboard the Motor... Read more -
Automatic Voluntary Observing Ship System instrument_details
Automatic Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) System is aboard the M/V NAMAO and operated by the Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium. Data generated from this system is owned by... Read more -
Motor Vessel NAMAO platform
The M/V NAMAO is a 33.6 m research vessel, owned and operated by the LWRC. She was built in 1975 and served as a buoy tender for the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Aids to... Read more -
Southampton Island Marine Ecosystem Project project
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
Southampton Island Marine Ecosystem Project (SIMEP) Global warming is forcing rapid change to Canada’s marine Arctic icescape and its associated ecosystem, while the increasing... Read more -
Lake Winnipeg Satellite and Chl-a Derived Images jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
MODIS is an optical sensor on board NASA’s polar orbit satellites terra and aqua, which provides daily global coverage. These Chlorophyll-a products are derived from MODIS... Read more -
Literature Review of Netley-Libau Marsh Final Report publication
Themes: Freshwater
Literature Review for the Netley-Libau Marsh Final Report. Report produced by Native Plant Solutions and funded by the Lake Winnipeg Foundation. Report synthesis will be... Read more -
The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment jeu de données
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) program was the first major western sea ice experiment constructed specifically to answer emerging questions about how sea ice... Read more -
National Laboratory for Environmental Testing Water Quality Data jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
National Laboratory for Environmental Testing (NLET) Water Quality (WQ) data (DP, TP, TDN, TN, TSS; approx. weekly) at 8 stations in the La Salle, Boyne, Little Sask., and... Read more -
St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_17060 Sensors instrument_details
Made up of multiple components listed below. Serial number is Iridium Weather station IMEI Equipment cost: $9,904.50 + Iridium satellite Premium Plan: $1,350 Sensor details... Read more -
Dawson Bay Li Taan Aen Staansyoon_54190 Sensors instrument_details
Made up of multiple components listed below. Serial number is Iridium Weather station IMEI Equipment cost: $9,904.50 + Iridium satellite Premium Plan: $1,350 Sensor details... Read more -
Weather Station Technician Guide publication
Themes: Freshwater
This document is specifically written for technicians who require information on connecting sensors to a weather station/meteorological site. -
Bathymetry of Lakes in Netley-Libau Marsh jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
This dataset page includes: Images of the water bodies in the Netley-Libau Marsh in a PDF (.pdf) A zipped folder containing the XYZ files (.XYZ) for all lakes in the Netley-... Read more -
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Crop Type Map of Canada jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Understanding the state and trends in agriculture production is essential to combat both short-term and long-term threats to stable and reliable access to food for all, and to... Read more -
Netley-Libau Marsh Reports publication
Themes: Freshwater, Remote Sensing
Phase I and II reporting on time series analysis based on landsat imagery. -
Canada and Lake Winnipeg Watershed Basemap Layers jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Basemap layer for the Lake Winnipeg Basin can be accessed directly on the National Ecological Framework for Canada. Includes Ecozones, Ecoregions, Ecoprovinces, Ecodistricts,... Read more -
Water Chemistry Data across Littoral Zone of Lake Winnipeg jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Results of field and laboratory analysis from 13 lake sampling locations across the littoral zone of Lake Winnipeg for 2009 and 2010. -
Canadian Mercury Science Assessment Report publication
Themes: Atmosphere
The Canadian Mercury Science Assessment is the first comprehensive scientific evaluation and synthesis of mercury (Hg) in the Canadian environment. The assessment is the outcome... Read more