Dictionnaire de données
Colonne Type Intitulé Description Units Media type Result Value Type Statistic Applied
Cruise text Cruise
Station text Station
Date_and_time timestamp Date and time

String corresponding to format 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ' or other valid ISO8601 string.

lon numeric Longitude

Longitude east.

Decimal degrees
lat numeric Latitude

Latitude north.

Decimal degrees
BATH numeric Bottom depth

The distance between sea surface and sea bed measured from the sea surface at a particular instant in space and time.

Cast numeric Cast

One down-and-up cycle of the CTD, consisting of a downcast and upcast.

Niskin numeric Niskin

Device for obtaining samples of water at a specific depth.

Pres_Z numeric Pressure

The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column.

Decibars Ocean Actual None
WC_temp_CTD numeric Temperature

Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD.

Celsius Ocean Actual None
CTDSal numeric Salinity

Salinity of the water body by CTD

PSU Ocean Actual None
WC_dissO2 numeric Dissolved oxygen

Concentration of dissolved oxygen per unit volume of the water column. Oxygen may be expressed in terms of mass, volume or quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
chl-a_water_Isfluor numeric Chlorophyll concentration

Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate>unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer.

mg/m3 Ocean Actual None
CDOM_fluor numeric Coloured dissolved organic

The quantity of coloured organic compounds in solution in unit volume of any body of water.

mg/m3 Ocean Actual None
TCO2 numeric Dissolved organic matter

Concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon per unit volume of the water column. Solute may be expressed in terms of mass quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
TotAlk/l numeric Total alkalinity

Concentration of acid-neutralizing bases per unit volume of the water column. Solute may be expressed in terms of mass or quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
NO2 numeric Nitrite

Concentration of nitrite per unit volume of the water column. Nitrite may be expressed in terms of mass or quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
NO3 numeric Nitrate

Concentration of nitrate per unit volume of the water column. Nitrate may be expressed in terms of mass or quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
SiOx numeric Silicate

Concentration of silicate per unit volume of the water column. Silicate may be expressed in terms of mass or quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
PO4_Filt numeric Phosphorus

Quantity or mass of phosphate per unit volume of the water body determined by an unknown analytical method following filtration through an unspecified filter type.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
NH4 numeric Ammonium

Concentration of ammonium per unit volume of the water column. Ammonium may be expressed in terms of mass or quantity of substance.

umol/kg Ocean Actual None
Informations additionnelles
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130,3 kibi
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