Dictionnaire de données
Colonne Type Intitulé Description Units Media type Result Value Type Statistic Applied
SHIP NAME text Ship name

Name of the vessel.

CALL SIGN text Call sign

Alphanumerical code or identifier (ID) that is assigned to a vessel.

Data Date text Date time

Year (YYYY), month (MM), and day (DD) along with hour(s) (hh), minute(s) (mm), and second(s) (ss) formatted to ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).

year-month-days hours:minutes:seconds atmosphere
LATITUDE text Latitude

Measurement of location either north (positive value) or south (negative value) of the equator in units of degrees and tenths.

decimal degrees atmosphere
LONGITUDE text Longitude

Measurement of location either east (positive value) or west (negative value) of the prime meridian in units of degrees and tenths.

decimal degrees atmosphere
MESG TYPE text Message type

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coding system (FM 13-XIC Ext. Ship) obtained from the Environment and Climate Change Canada's Manual of Marine Weather Observations (MANMAR) for Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program.

Officers observing weather conditions are encouraged file reports for SPREP and STORM conditions to assist in affirming weather forecasts. SPREP indicates a special weather report, where significant weather changes have taken place. A STORM report indicates that storm conditions are occurring, whether forecasted or not, and a wind speed increase of 48 knots (kt) or more has occurred.

For more information on what criteria is required for SPREP reports, please refer to MANMAR manual.

WX IND text Weather indicator

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coding system (FM 13-XIC Ext. Ship) obtained from the Environment and Climate Change Canada's Manual of Marine Weather Observations (MANMAR) for Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program.

ECCC code or indicator to differentiate between all observations taken automatically, identified by a value of 6, or whether manual observations were taken (e.g. cloudiness, visibility, etc.), identified by a value of 1.

NA atmosphere
DB text Air temperature

Measurement of air temperature in units of degrees and tenths (°C).

degrees Celsius atmosphere
TD text Dew point temperature

Value of temperature required for air to be saturated with water vapour to reach 100% relative humidity in units of whole degrees Celsius (°C).

degrees Celsius atmosphere
SST text Sea surface temperature

Measurement of sea water temperature at surface in units of degress and tenths celsius (°C).

degrees Celsius atmosphere
MSL text Pressure

Measurement of air pressure in units of hectoPascals and tenths (hPa).

hectoPascals atmosphere
PRES TENDCY text Pressure tendency

Measurement of atmospheric pressure change over a three-hour period preceding the observation in units of hectoPascals and tenths (hPa).

hectoPascals atmosphere
PRES CHAR text Present tendency

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coding system (FM 13-XIC Ext. Ship) obtained from the Environment and Climate Change Canada's Manual of Marine Weather Observations (MANMAR) for Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program.

Present tendency is a code that indicates the tendency of the pressure during a three hour before the time of observation. Please refer to the MANMAR manual on page 7-89 for further description of the numerical values.

PCPC INDC text Precipitation indicator

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coding system (FM 13-XIC Ext. Ship) obtained from the Environment and Climate Change Canada's Manual of Marine Weather Observations (MANMAR) for Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program.

The precipitation group indicator is always coded as 4, indicating the ship does not have equipment onboard to measure precipitation.

WIN INDC text Wind speed indicator

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coding system (FM 13-XIC Ext. Ship) obtained from the Environment and Climate Change Canada's Manual of Marine Weather Observations (MANMAR) for Automated Voluntary Observing Ship (AVOS) program.

A wind speed indicator code of 4 indicates wind speed obtained from anemometer (knots). Please refer to page 3-18 for other code indicator descriptions.

WIN DIR text Wind direction

Measurement of wind direction in units of tens of degrees (°).

degrees atmosphere
WIN SPD text Wind speed

Measurement of wind speed in knots (kts).

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