Dictionnaire de données
Colonne Type Intitulé Description Units Media type Result Value Type Statistic Applied
project_name text Project_name

Name of project data was collected under.

platform_name text Platform_name

Name of vessel from which data was collected

Cruise text Cruise

Cruise identifier

Station text Station

Station identifier

time (UTC) timestamp
latitude (degrees_north) numeric Latitude, decimal degrees

Latitude in decimal degrees.

longitude (degrees_east) numeric Longitude, decimal degrees

Longitude in decimal degrees (-180 to 180)

Longitude_east (degrees_east) numeric Longitude_east, decimal degrees

Longitude in decimal degrees (0 to 360)

Cast numeric Cast

Cast #number for each CTD/rosette deployment; Increases as cruise progresses. May be more than one cast per station.

Bottle numeric Bottle

The number of the niskin bottle sampled. There are 24 niskin-type bottles on the rosette, so this value will be between 1 and 24

Bottom_Depth_m numeric
sample_depth_m numeric
NO2_um_l numeric
NO2_result_value_qualifier text Nitrite result value qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

NO3_um_l numeric
NO3_result_value_qualifier text Nitrate result value qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

SiOx_um_l numeric
SiOx_result_value_qualifier text Silicate result value qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

PO4_Filt_um_l numeric
PO4_Filt_result_value_qualifier text Phosphate result value qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

NH4_um_l numeric
NH4_result_value_qualifier text Ammonium Result Value Qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

DissInorgN_um_l numeric
DissInorgN_result_value_qualifier text Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Result Value Qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

Type text Type
a_18O_Per_mille numeric
a_18O_result_value_qualifier text
DIC_um_l numeric Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)

Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column

um/L Water Actual
DIC_result_value_qualifier text Dissolved inorganic carbon Result Value Qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

TotAlk_l_um_l numeric
TotAlk_l_result_value_qualifier text Total Alkalinity Result Value Qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

SalinomSal_psu numeric
SalinomSal_result_value_qualifier text Salinity Result Value Qualifier

The result value qualifier is used if there is no value in the variable field. The codes for the result value qualifier can be found in the CanWIN controlled vocabulary document.

Informations additionnelles
Field label
Study/Dataset Example
Ckan url
Datastore active
Datastore contains all records of source file
Has views
Ignore hash
Original url
Package id
Resource id
Set url type
Task created
2023-12-20 20:54:48.182426