Lake Winnipeg Basin Program: reports and publications Publication
Themes: Freshwater
Contains Lake WInnipeg Basin Initiative Reporting Documents -
The effects of climate change on nutrient loading and river discharge Publication
Themes: Freshwater
This study was conducted to identify temporal changes in nutrient and sediment concentrations and loads (total phosphorus, particulate phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus,... Read more -
Hydrological forcing of a recent trophic surge in Lake Winnipeg Publication
Themes: Freshwater
Nutrient enrichment leading to eutrophication of lakes is frequently attributed to increasing anthropogenic loading to the watershed. We use a phosphorus mass balance model to... Read more -
Under-Ice Hydrography of the La Grande River Plume in Relation to a Ten-Fold... Publication
Themes: Marine
A large under-ice plume forms because of the regulated winter discharge from the La Grande River hydroelectric complex (NE James Bay, Canada), which is among the largest winter... Read more -
Response to the Government of Canada Discussion Paper “Toward the Creation... Publication
Themes: Freshwater
As the development of a Canadian Freshwater Agency (CWA) is undertaken, we must keep in mind that our freshwater is not an endless resource. We have to live with our finite... Read more -
Response to the Province of Manitoba “Engaging Manitobans on Water Management" Publication
Themes: Freshwater
As the Province of Manitoba engages with Manitobans on a Water Management Strategy, we must keep in mind that our freshwater is not an endless resource. We have to live with our... Read more -
BaySys Newsletters Publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The BaySys project newsletter was developed to highlight accomplishments and update everyone in and out of the project of the status and progress of BaySys. The newsletter also... Read more -
Delta Marsh Occasional Publications (OP) Publication
Themes: Freshwater
The OP series of publications contained detailed information about various aspects of the Delta Marsh ecosystem. They were published as information warranted. -
Lake Winnipeg Basin Program Symposium 2019 Publication
Themes: Freshwater
On March 20 & 21, 2019, the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program (LWBP) Symposium took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The symposium provided the opportunity for Environment and Climate... Read more -
Manitoba Great Lakes Program Infographic Publication
Themes: Freshwater, Remote Sensing
Manitoba Great Lakes Program Infographic -
Delta Marsh List of Publications and Theses Publication
Themes: Freshwater
A list of citations for all scientific journal articles and student theses written using Delta Marsh Field Station facilities through the years. -
Delta Marsh History Initiative Publication
Themes: Freshwater
In its heyday, Delta Marsh attracted people from all over the world and from all walks of life. Generations of farmers, fishermen, hunters and trappers who lived close to the... Read more -
Lake Winnipeg Basin Indicator Series Publication
Themes: Freshwater
Canada and Manitoba, as parties to the Memorandum of Understanding Respecting Lake Winnipeg and the Lake Winnipeg Basin, committed to a cooperative and co-ordinated approach to... Read more -
Delta Marsh Annual Reports Publication
Themes: Freshwater
These reports summarized research conducted using Delta Marsh Field Station facilities, from 1969 to 1998. The text-searchable contents of the reports are available here. Read more -
Le programme de surveillance des conditions météorologiques Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Des programmes pilotes de surveillance des conditions météorologiques et de la qualité de l’eau ont été mis sur pied en collaboration avec la MMF et conçus pour accroître la... Read more -
L’Prâgramme dju Gardjiein d’la Mitiô Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Li prâgramme pilotte di survèyans d’ô, di gardjiein d’la mitio pi d’la kaliti d’l’ô, la iti div’loppi avek la MMF pour bâchirre la kapasiti Métisse dan li aktiviti d’jeschyon... Read more -
The Weather Keeper Program Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Water-weather keeper and water quality monitor pilot programs were developed in coordination with the MMF and were designed to build MĂ©tis capacity in water quality management... Read more -
Changes in the Emergent Plant Community of Netley-Libau Marsh Between 1979 and 2001 Publication
Themes: Freshwater
We used aerial photography combined with field observations to develop a detailed aquatic vegetation map for Netley-Libau Marsh in south-central Manitoba. This report describes... Read more -
WWF Watershed Reports Publication
Themes: Freshwater
Canadians deserve to know the state of their country’s watersheds. Unfortunately, however, Canada does not have an easily accessible, national system for reporting the health of... Read more -
Manitoba Great Lakes Protocols Publication
Themes: Freshwater
Sample collection, processing and analytical methods for the Manitoba Great Lakes Program at the University of Manitoba.