4 jeux de données trouvés

      Themes: lower-columbia-kootenay Keywords (tags): Long Term Record

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      • VOW 04 - Castlegar (13th Ave) Columbia Basin Water Hub jeu de donnĂ©es

        This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater monitoring record for LLC VOW 04 - Castlegar... Read more
      • Sheep Creek Water Monitoring Columbia Basin Water Hub jeu de donnĂ©es

        Water quality and quantity monitoring data for Sheep Creek (NESHP01, NESHP02, NESHP03) collected by SWSS. Some resources in this dataset were collected as part of the Columbia... Read more
      • South Salmo River (Upper - Lower) Columbia Basin Water Hub jeu de donnĂ©es

        This resource contains data from the South Salmo River (includes data from two sites: Upper - Lower). These sites have been monitored for 15 years (2003-08-29 to 2018-11-01). Read more
      • Harrop/Mill and Narrows Creek Reports (2005-2018) Columbia Basin Water Hub jeu de donnĂ©es

        Water monitoring reports for Harrop/Mill and Narrows Creek prepared for Harrop-Procter Community Forest by Integrated Ecological Research and Passmore Laboratory Ltd. Read more
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