Survey 2 took place from July 27 - August 20, 2016. Lakes Manitoba, Winnipegosis and Waterhen were sampled and underwater moorings deployed on all 3 lakes were inspected and instruments updated if needed. Multiple rivers around the sample area were also sampled for surface water. Samples were taken at all sites for nutrients, biogeochemistry, physical variables (light), zooplankton and algae for taxonomy. At this time the Lowe boat did not have a depth finder so depth would have been taken from the Idronaut (CTD) records. Water samples were filtered either at Lake Waterhen cabin or at CEOS and sent to the Freshwater Institute for analysis.

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Champ Valeur
Campaign Start Date 2016-07-27
Campaign End Date 2016-08-20
Location Lake Winnipegosis, Lake Waterhen, Lake Manitoba, Fairford River, Waterhen River
Research Area Manitoba Great Lakes
Champ Valeur
Chief Scientist Barber, David
Affiliation Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba