Data Dictionary
Column Type Label Description Units Media type Result Value Type Statistic Applied
Date_and_time timestamp Date and Time Actual None
air_pressure numeric Air pressure Celsius Air Actual None
air_pressure_Result_Value_Qualifier text Air pressue result value qualifier

If there is no value in the Air Pressure column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

Photosynthetically_Active_Radiation numeric Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)

Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is a measure of light. It is the intensity of the part of sunlight that plants can use to support new growth, and also the wavelengths of light that our eyes are sensitive to. It is measured on a small white disc that records the sum of light falling directly from the sun plus the light scattered by the sky and clouds. It is reported in a unit called a micro-Einstein.

micro-Einstien Air Actual None
Photosynthetically_Active_Radiation_Result_Value_Qualifier text PAR Result Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the PAR column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

Precip numeric Precipitation

Rain is reported in millimetres accumulated every 15 minutes in a gauge set about 1 m above the ground. Rain falling into a 6-inch diameter funnel drips onto one of a pair of “buckets”, mounted on a teeter-totter. When one bucket is filled, the teeter-totter flips, the first bucket is emptied and rain then drips into the other “bucket” until it is filled, and so on. Each flip is equal to 0.2 mm of rain.

mm Air Actual None
Precip_Result_Value_Qualifier text Precipitation Result Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the precipitation column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

air_temperature numeric Air temperature

We report temperature in the shade, in Centigrade degrees. It is measured using an electronic thermometer shielded from direct sunlight and mounted inside an enclosure with louvered walls to allow free air flow past the sensor.

Celsius Air Actual None
air_temperature_Result_Value_Qualifier text Air Temperature Result Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the precipitation column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

relative_humidity numeric Relative Humidity

Relative humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air reported as a percentage of the amount that would saturate it at the air temperature. Warmer air can hold more water vapour than cooler air.

% Air Actual None
relative_humidity_Result_Value_Qualifier text Relative Humidity REsult Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the Relative Humidity column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

wind_speed numeric Wind Speed

Wind speed is measured using a spinning anemometer mounted on the wind vane at the top of the tower, about 3 m above the ground. We report the average speed for every 15 minute period, in kilometres per hour.

Wind speeds reported at St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon indicate speeds that would be felt nearby on the lake only when the wind blows from SSW through W to NNW. The anemometer is sheltered from the full force of the wind by trees in other directions.

Wind speeds are measured 3 m above the ground surface. Environment Canada and Manitoba Department of Agriculture weather stations report faster speeds because they are recorded on higher, 10 m towers.

km/h Air Actual None
wind_speed_Result_Value_Qualifier text Wind speed Result Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the Wind Speed column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

wind_speed_of_gust numeric Wind gust

Wind gusts are the highest wind speed recorded in each 15 minute period, and are also recorded in kilometres per hour.

Wind gust speeds reported at St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon indicate speeds that would be felt nearby on the lake only when the wind blows from SSW through W to NNW. The anemometer is sheltered from the full force of the wind by trees in other directions.

Wind gust speeds are measured 3 m above the ground surface. Environment Canada and Manitoba Department of Agriculture weather stations report faster speeds because they are recorded on higher, 10 m towers.

km/h Air Actual
wind_speed_of_gust_Result_Value_Qualifier text Wind gust

If there is no value in the Wind Speed column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

wind_from_direction numeric Wind Direction

Wind direction is measured using a wind vane mounted at the top of the tower. As we do with wind speed, we report the average direction for every 15 minutes, in compass degrees from true north. It is then converted to a direction.

degrees Air Calculated
wind_from_direction_Result_Value_Qualifier text Wind Direction Result Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the Wind Direction column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

battery_output numeric Battery Output

Battery voltage

Volts Other Actual None
battery_output_Result_Value_Qualifier text Battery Voltage Result Value Qualifier

If there is no value in the Battery Voltage column, this field should explain to users why. The codes can be found in the CanWIN Curated Terms section

Additional Information
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Study/Dataset Example
Ckan url
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Datastore contains all records of source file
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3.6 MiB
Task created
2024-05-07 17:52:46.434848
Url type