Explore weather station data using our interactive mapping platform. Users can subset time series of the data.
How do I see the data?
On the map, view livestream data by clicking on a weather station (red dot) to open a panel on the left side of your screen. Click the i button to view instructions on how to use the dashboard, and click the Full-screen button to view the weather station full size in your browser.
Note for Wind Measurements
Wind and gust speeds reported at St Laurent Li Taan Aen Staansyoon indicate speeds that would be felt nearby on the lake only when the wind blows from SSW through W to NNW. The anemometer is sheltered from the full force of the wind by trees in other directions. Wind and gust wind speeds are measured 3 m above the ground surface. Environment Canada and Manitoba Department of Agriculture weather stations report faster speeds because they are recorded on higher, 10 m towers.