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On March 31, 2023 at 4:13:34 PM CDT, Gravatar Yanique Campbell:
  • Changed value of field analyticalMethod to [{'analyticalMethodName': 'Nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, and silicate analysis', 'comments': 'Additional method citation: Holmes, R. M., Aminot, A., Kérouel, R., Hooker, B. A., & Peterson, B. J. (1999). A simple and precise method for measuring ammonium in marine and freshwater ecosystems.', 'laboratory': 'Université Laval', 'methodLink': '', 'methodSummary': 'Nutrient samples were collected directly from the Niskin-type bottles with syringes, filtered in-line (Swinnex-mounted, Whatman GF/F), and captured in acid-cleaned polyethylene tubes. Nutrient concentra- tions for nitrate + nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, and silicate were measured colorimetrically with a Bran and Luebbe AutoAnalyzer III (Hansen & Koroleff, 1999) onboard the ship within a few hours of collection. Working standards were prepared at each station and checked against certified reference material (KANSO CRM) inserted into the sample runs. Analytical detection limits were 0.03 μM for nitrate, 0.02 μM for nitrite, 0.05 μM for phosphate, and 0.1 μM for silicate. Ammonium concentrations were measured using the method of Holmes et al. (1999) with a detection limit of 0.02 μM.', 'variablesMeasured': 'Nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, and silicate'}, {'analyticalMethodName': 'Coulometric titration (Dissolved inorganic carbon analysis)', 'comments': '', 'laboratory': 'Institute for Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada', 'methodLink': '', 'methodSummary': 'Samples were collected in 250-mL glass bottles, preserved with 100 μL of saturated mercuric chloride solution, capped with ground glass stoppers greased with Apiezon M, and sealed with electrical tape. Samples were then stored in the dark at 4°C until analysis at the Institute for Ocean Sciences in Sidney, British Columbia, within 10 months of collection. The coulometric DIC analysis utilized either a SOMMA or VINDTA 3D (MARIANDA) extraction system. Measurements were calibrated against certified reference materials (CRM batches 88, 115, and 133, provided by Andrew Dickson, Scripps Institute of Oceanography). Analyses of duplicate DIC samples indicated a precision of ±1 μmol kg −1 (n = 27).', 'variablesMeasured': 'Dissolved inorganic carbon'}, {'analyticalMethodName': 'Titration ', 'comments': '', 'laboratory': 'Institute for Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada', 'methodLink': '', 'methodSummary': 'Samples were collected in the field following the same protocol as DIC samples. Measurements of TA used open-cell potentiometric titrations with nonlinear least squares end-point determination. These measurements were calibrated against certified reference materials (CRM batches 88, 115, and 133, provided by Andrew Dickson, Scripps Institute of Oceanography). Analyses of duplicate TA samples indicated a precision of ±3 μmol kg −1 (n = 23).', 'variablesMeasured': 'Total Alkalinity'}] in Ocean biogeochemical measurements from the eastern Canadian Arctic - 2014