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On December 9, 2021 at 5:10:26 PM CST, claire Claire Herbert:
  • Changed value of field methodDescrioption to Ice cores were collected using the 9 cm Mark II Kovacs core barrel from 2 mobile ice floes. Cores were bagged in core bags, labeled in the field, and transferred to CNSC. Cores were cut with a metal Japanese saw into 5 cm portions (ambient temperature < -20 °C) to prevent thawing. All edges of each core section were then trimmed with ceramic knives to remove ice that came into contact with the core barrel or the metal saw. Trimmed sections were double bagged in new Ziploc bags and kept at room temperature in order to melt. *See supplemental metadata file for complete method descriptions.* in BaySys Physical Ice Sampling Data - 2017-2018